Monday, April 27, 2009
In the news:
Elyes is set to star in a new ITV drama, called 'Identity'. The show is going to be a six-part series and evolves around a police unit formed to combat identity-related crime. You can read the article Here
I think we can also safely say that Elyes will not be returning to Waterloo Road. There is no mention of his return anywhere as of yet, and he has been written out of the intro video, which isn't a good sign.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
EGBirthday Present!
Thanks to the members of Waterloo Road TV who made some amazing screencaptures. Sadly, I haven't found *the* screencap yet. I'll keep looking until I do ;)
Three years of EGB: Come Celebrate the fandom!
I'm glad to say that it survived for it's third year, and is now swiftly moving on to it's fourth. The EGB will live on for as long as there are members, and I hope they will keep coming... Especially now that Elyes is tuning up the Gabel goodness again!
So please, come party in Gabelfan land and join in the fun! Drinks and Love Hearts on the house!
Also keep watching the blog for new colours, pictures, news, and info on the new and upcoming EGB Fan Project for mr. Elyes Gabel himself!
All the best and promise to stay on top of things more,
Monday, February 09, 2009
Shades - Review
Shades at the Royal Court, review
Alia Bano's Shades at the Royal Court, about a Muslim heroine seeking
Mr Right in London, is an entertaining depiction of Islamic
Stephanie Street and Matthew Needham in Shades at
the Royal Court
You don't go to the Royal Court expecting a romantic comedy, but under the admirable, open-minded directorship of Dominic Cooke, anything is possible these days, and Shades turns out to be something
both special and unexpected – a Muslim Bridget Jones's Diary.
You rarely see the word Islamic these days without fundamentalist following hard behind. Alia Bano's delightful play, presented as part of the Court's Young Writers Festival, offers a much-needed reminder that not all Muslims are followers of Jihadist mullahs.
Set in present-day London, our heroine seeking Mr Right is Sabrina, a British university-educated events organiser whose family hails from the North-West Frontier in Pakistan. She shares a flat with two gay male friends (one of them a Muslim) and doesn't wear hijab.
We first encounter her at a Muslim speed-dating evening (I certainly had no idea such events existed) where Sab, who already hears the ticking of the biological clock, is hoping to find the man of her dreams, or at least a man with a brain and a pulse. And in the course of the play she finds that she has to choose between the plausible, superficially sophisticated Ali, and the more devout and traditional Reza.
Sabrina's gay friend Zain delivers some provocative rants about those he calls the fundos – not least his view that Islamic extremists are largely driven to murderous violence by thwarted sexuality. But in the character of Reza, Alia Bano draws a much more sympathetic picture of a devout Muslim, who has no time for violence and wishes to be regarded as both English and a follower of Islam.
Such analysis, however, makes the play sound far more solemn than it is. As the characters set about organising a charity fashion show for Gaza, and the devious Ali attempt to put the mockers on burgeoning romance, the play proves delightfully fresh, funny and touching, as well as a genuine eye-opener into the different attitudes of British Muslims.
Nina Raine's lively production, wittily designed by Lucy Osborne on a fashion-show catwalk, can't quite disguise the fact that the plotting is a touch schematic, but the show's breezy humour and generosity of spirit make ample amends.
Stephanie Street gives a delightfully engaging performance as the confused heroine whose attitudes and emotions are constantly challenged, while Amit Shah brings both troubled decency and a lovely touch of sly humour to the role of Reza. There is outstanding support, too, from Navin Chowdhry as Sabrina's outrageous gay friend, from Matthew Needham as his likeable English boyfriend, and from Elyes Gabel as the creepy villain of the piece.
Shades proves a feelgood gem of a rom-com, deftly combining an insider's revealing insight into Islamic Britain with cracking entertainment values.
Tickets: 020 7565 5000
Telegraph Rating: ****
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Waterloo Road!
Other than that I want to wish you all a very happy new year! All the best and I hope it will be a great year for all.
I hope we can expect more music from Elyes this new year, and hopefully the release of Boogeyman 3. I'm not expecting too much of that, but I still want to see it!
If I have the time I'll get up an Episode Review for the episodes of Waterloo Road that feature Elyes. I'm still really busy, but I'll do my best!
Best wishes to you all,
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The Young Controller

That's right. Yet another news update, and this time I'm right on it.
If you're on myspace and are indeed befriended with Elyes, you might've noticed that the great Mr. Gabel himself posted a bulletin to his friends on Thursday. This, to those who didn't see it, is what it said:
From: Elyes Gabel
Date: 04 Dec 2008, 15:27
Subject: Change Again
Hi Guys,
Hope you're all well.
I know it seems like I can't half decide what profile page to remain with;
so just to carry on tradition i've opened up a new one for my music-It's called
the young controller and it's on my top friends list on my profile.
Inevitably there's going to be question; so i'll answer as best i can now.
The reason for the change of name is to try and put a bit of distance between
myself as an actor; and a musician- So that they're looked at in their own
I still value your support though; so in turn want to make you aware of the
Right then, have a listen to another rough demo on the young controller
page and see what you think.
It's different.
And add me!
Isn't that nice? So make sure you head over there by
Clicking Here and:
a) Add him to your friends if you're on Myspace
b) Listen to his new song called 'Why should I'!
And that song; It certainly is different. Tell me what you think in the comments, and I might even add a poll! I'd also love to hear your comments on the new name, do you like it and do you think there is any meaning behind there?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Excuses, Apparitions and more excuses
A quick note from me after a long day of college. I was just casually going through the tv guide, when I noticed Apparitions is on again tonight.
And I got painfully reminded of my ignorance and lack of posting Gabelfanland news. So I figured it was pretty much now or never, and I opted for the now, simply because I owe it to each and every one of you.
Here's my story. Run if you still can.
I started the Elyes Gabel Board 2 1/2 years ago, with the intention to get together as many fans as I could find. I was sad that there wasn't any kind of appreciation towards this great guy of an actor (and musician nowadays), and I wanted to put an end to that.
I posted and worked on the board and made friends and had fun. We shared our problems and talked about everything Casualty.
I always ment for the EGB to be forever, no matter what. I would even pass it on to a new owner if I had to. I wouldn't stop it.
It went pretty well for those 2 1/2 years, even when Elyes left Casualty I managed to keep up with the little news that came in.
But then came one of the biggest moments of my life; College. Suddenly I was rushed into this whirlwind of crazy schedules and mad assignments and big projects. I had silly hours in college and then there was my saturday job to juggle around aswell.
I'm glad to say I survived the first exams, but now there's even more to worry about. I've got three days of college, work experience, my job on saturday and homework.
And as if I'm not busy enough, I'm attempting another year of NaNoWriMo. You won't be blamed if you call me insane. I pretty much am.
But even my writing had to take a backseat, no matter how determined I was. I just can't work it all out in the same time, and less important things need to wait.
And so my inner fan left Gabelfanland for a while, completely ignoring my responsibilities as your source of Elyes goodies. My sincere apologies.
I don't want to tell you all this just to complain or tell you how sad I am (believe me, I'm not. I'm still a happy person and I love what I'm doing), I just wanted to but everything in perspective. We all know how it goes in life, things start happening and you have to make room for those things to work.
But enough about me now. The most important message of the blabbing above is that I want to try and keep up with everything that comes in, and I will try to post whenever needed. I don't want to promise anything, because I know how that goes ;) But I'll try my hardest!
Now on to the more important things: Elyes Gabel.
The man himself. I truly hope you all realised that Apparitions starring Elyes was on last week on Thursday!! If you didn't, you can still catch it on iPlayer tonight, but I bet you can find it to download somewhere.
If I find the time I might scurry around on the internet and try to find some clips to share with you guys!
The new episode is on tonight at 9.00 pm, but this time without Elyes. I will be back soon with a summary and episode review of the entire thing! Hopefully around sunday, just prod me until I post!
Then there's something else I just found out about: "Dead Set" is Elyes's new project. A short summary:
During a fictional series of Big Brother, a zombie outbreak occurs, but the
house-mates are unaware of the impending doom outside of the Big Brother House.
He plays Danny in the entire five episodes. I'm going to look into it when I'm not as tired as I am now, because I will mess up now.
Boogeyman 3 news is on it's way too, just keep watching this spot!
Friday, September 05, 2008
New Music & Live dates!

From: Elyes Gabel
Date: 03 Sep 2008, 01:18
Subject: New Song and Live Dates
Hi guys.
Got another very rough song on here. They're all rough sketch
songs.....Loads of excuses i know.
Also got a couple of live dates in the north this weekend.
Hope you're all well.
Thanks again for the support.
If you check his Myspace Page you'll find the new song. There are also live dates noted on there, both for tomorrow:
Upcoming Shows
6 Sep 2008
Music Hate Racism
6 Sep 2008
Night Club
That's it for today. If I have time some day in the future, I might start working on the lyrics and expand our Elyes fancommunity!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Elyes for a Good Cause!

First of all, Elyes is part of a group who have recorded a single against knife crime.
A few articles about the project:
You can find the article HereCharity song in anti-knife campaign
Aug 26, 2008
Actors and sports stars have come together to record a rap to discourage young people from carrying knives.
The collaboration, UK Flow, is led by Sheffield-based actor and singer Stephen Nicholas, who wrote the track called Don't Carry Knives. Nicholas got the idea for the song after hearing about the many deaths from stabbings across the country.
Joining Nicholas at Yellow Arch studios in central Sheffield were world champion boxer Johnny Nelson and Hollyoaks star Lee Otway.
Girls Aloud and players from the England football and rugby squads have also
given the project their support.
The collaboration, under the name UK Flow, includes Casualty actors LukeYou can find the full article Here
Bailey and Elyes Gabel, and is backed by Richard Caborn MP, Girls Aloud and
England football and rugby stars.
Then there's the group's Facebook Page and Myspace Page, both including a picture of Elyes. As said on their Facebook page, the group (I'm not sure if it's in it's entirity, but I would think so) is performing at the Love Music Hate Racism Concert on the 6th of september. They're supporting the Kaiser Chiefs.
Then there's the other thing. Remember our previous speculation about the picture from Waterloo Road's new series? I think I can confirm that it is in fact Elyes on that picture.
Taken from the UK Flow Facebookpage:
ELYES GABEL- Casualty and now Waterloo Road. Elyes is a active campaigner
against Knife Crime.
Isn't that awesome? There's something we can look forward to!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Helloooo Winter, do You feel it?

So... There's Elyes news again :D I wouldn't have seen this if it hadn't been for Saira, but Elyes posted a new bulletin on Myspace! Check it out:
The new songs can be heard HereFrom: Elyes Gabel
Date: 22 Jul 2008, 12:27
Subject: Rough
Body: Hey Guys and Dolls! I've been busy on other work stuff; but got a bit
tired of waiting to record some stuff proper.....So i just put two simple one
track 'hashes' together. They're untouched and rough as a bag of nails but have
a listen.Hope you're all well.
They're really lovely and oh my I didn't see that before but the picture for 'Shame on You' is really creepy O_o
Anyway, go check it out!
Also, really, really really this time, the Elyes Gabel Fan Project will be on it's way. Unless I won't start it untill I go to college and then I'll be too busy. But I'll try my best. At least now we've got more music to talk to him about :)
Any suggestions for the project, please mail me!