I mean that in both ways. Because once you've seen it, you will have to Take it Easy. You might faint, after months and months with a lack of Guppyness. No screentime, just one song.
I mean, yes, we've all played it over a hundred times and now the lyrics by heart (or is that just me?), but it's not enough, is it?
And now, finally, I've got something for you. You can read it a dozen times, print it and drool over it. Hang it above your bed, or simply use it as a background for your computer.
Whatever you wish to do with it, it is great, and a definite must-read.
Presenting to you: The Take It Easy article with an interview with Elyes. With many thanks to shelliwood!
I mean, yes, we've all played it over a hundred times and now the lyrics by heart (or is that just me?), but it's not enough, is it?
And now, finally, I've got something for you. You can read it a dozen times, print it and drool over it. Hang it above your bed, or simply use it as a background for your computer.
Whatever you wish to do with it, it is great, and a definite must-read.
Presenting to you: The Take It Easy article with an interview with Elyes. With many thanks to shelliwood!

And here's the entire interview to read:
I'm not running away from acting, I'm just trying something else!
After three explosive years Casualty's Dr Guppy Sandhu's leaving the show. So what's next for actor Elyes Gabel, 24?
Guppy's had some great storylines, including his current battle against a cocaine addiction. So why did you decide to leave the show?
I just felt that it was best to finish on a high. In any programme you go through peaks and troughs in terms of storylines and I've had some great ones. But it was never my intention to stay in the show for a silly length of time. Plus I think it's better that they get new blood coming in, both for the benefit of the show and for myself. I just knew that I really wanted to do something else.
That said, to be the same character for three years is a testament to how much I cared about the show and the character.
I understand you're planning to pursue a musical career...
Yes, although I'm not sure who I'd compare myself too. But it's guitar-based, funky, folk.
Will we see you on screen again?
Yes, I'm still in the fray. I'm not running away from acting. I'm just trying something else as well.
Are you pleased with your exit?
I enjoyed the last episode because it was a long burner. A lot of the time you just jump in and out of storylines. And I think that the writers gave me the chance to run with it in the end - especially in the last episode. I was very grateful for that.
Has the door been left open for you to return to the show?
Never say never...
You were in the 20th anniversary special, which was filmed in Cambodia. How was that?
It was good fun, hard work though. The people were incredible. They had a lot of pride and dignity. We weren't shooting in the big cities - we were in rural farming areas - and the one thing that struck me was the kids. When you don't realise what you're missing you play with what you have. The lack of technology... it was almost to their benefit. These people were just very happy and there was a lot to be learnt over there. It's good to get a different aspect, a change of scenery.
Did you 'find yourself out there?
I definitely think that there's scope for doing that. But I'm not going to say that I came back wanting to be a poet or anything!
Dr Guppy was beaten by racist thugs in the show. Have you experienced racism yourself?
You always experience a certain amount of bigotry no matter who you are, whether it's subtle or unseen... You just need the strength to deal with it.
It's definitely a big issue for me. There are people that look at you superficially and just see coloured skin. It's ridiculous and it does get to me. That said, I haven't experienced it a great deal. I was born here -1 lived in Canada for a bit - but I've definitely got more of a root here.
Do you feel a responsibility representing Asian characters like Guppy on screen?
I've got a very mixed race background so, although I'm not actually Asian myself, I've got distant touches of Indian in me. That's quite an interesting point - you will be more likely to take on Asian roles because that's the demographic here.
I think you have a responsibility to represent the storyline in the best way that you can. Because you're almost representing someone else who's been through that. The letters I received from people who'd been through it themselves... that definitely gave it a lot more importance.
In the past you dated Sarah Barrand, who played Shannon in Footballers'Wives. Is it easier to go out with someone who is also in the public eye?
It depends. It's different from person to person because different people have different personalities.
Are you seeing anybody now?
Sort of... But I can't say who. It's pretty early days but it is going well.
Do you get any strange fanmail?
You do get strange fanmail sometimes. I've been trying to plough through a lot of mail recently because I didn't get the chance while I was still filming. I try to respond to them all - especially if they're quite personal letters. Anything where you think that they've taken quite a lot of care and attention to write it.
How do you stay looking good?
I'm quite a sporty person so that helps. And I go to the gym a lot.
What do your family think of your success?
They're very proud of me and they're behind me 100 per cent. But they know it's a very tough business. They're pleased for me when things are going right - and there for me when things aren't going well. None of them are in the industry.
So what made you want to act?
Moving around a lot as a kid, I had to adapt to different cultures. So it was an easy thing for me to do.
Have you got lots of spare time now you've finished filming?
No, I've been really busy prepping something that I'm shooting soon, plus I'm recording stuff and I took a little while off. I'm moving, too.
Can you tell us about that new project?
It's a pilot - it's called Apparitions and I'm a guest star on it. It's quite dark, about exorcism and demons.
Who will you miss most?
I couldn't say one person. I think they're all great. Most of them I had a great relationship with. That happens when you're on location. I'll miss a hell of a lot of them.
Have you got any gigs lined up yet?
I haven't got that lined up yet. It's quite a saturated market. But trust me they're coming!
So, we have now learned that Elyes hasn't got any gigs lined up yet, isn't going to become a poet (shoot, I was so hoping for that to happen...), he had a (sort of) girlfriend at the time (that doesn't mean now, though, remember: this article is from the 16th of September) and his family is proud of him. Oh, and he tries to answer to every fanmail thing he gets.
After three explosive years Casualty's Dr Guppy Sandhu's leaving the show. So what's next for actor Elyes Gabel, 24?
Guppy's had some great storylines, including his current battle against a cocaine addiction. So why did you decide to leave the show?
I just felt that it was best to finish on a high. In any programme you go through peaks and troughs in terms of storylines and I've had some great ones. But it was never my intention to stay in the show for a silly length of time. Plus I think it's better that they get new blood coming in, both for the benefit of the show and for myself. I just knew that I really wanted to do something else.
That said, to be the same character for three years is a testament to how much I cared about the show and the character.
I understand you're planning to pursue a musical career...
Yes, although I'm not sure who I'd compare myself too. But it's guitar-based, funky, folk.
Will we see you on screen again?
Yes, I'm still in the fray. I'm not running away from acting. I'm just trying something else as well.
Are you pleased with your exit?
I enjoyed the last episode because it was a long burner. A lot of the time you just jump in and out of storylines. And I think that the writers gave me the chance to run with it in the end - especially in the last episode. I was very grateful for that.
Has the door been left open for you to return to the show?
Never say never...
You were in the 20th anniversary special, which was filmed in Cambodia. How was that?
It was good fun, hard work though. The people were incredible. They had a lot of pride and dignity. We weren't shooting in the big cities - we were in rural farming areas - and the one thing that struck me was the kids. When you don't realise what you're missing you play with what you have. The lack of technology... it was almost to their benefit. These people were just very happy and there was a lot to be learnt over there. It's good to get a different aspect, a change of scenery.
Did you 'find yourself out there?
I definitely think that there's scope for doing that. But I'm not going to say that I came back wanting to be a poet or anything!
Dr Guppy was beaten by racist thugs in the show. Have you experienced racism yourself?
You always experience a certain amount of bigotry no matter who you are, whether it's subtle or unseen... You just need the strength to deal with it.
It's definitely a big issue for me. There are people that look at you superficially and just see coloured skin. It's ridiculous and it does get to me. That said, I haven't experienced it a great deal. I was born here -1 lived in Canada for a bit - but I've definitely got more of a root here.
Do you feel a responsibility representing Asian characters like Guppy on screen?
I've got a very mixed race background so, although I'm not actually Asian myself, I've got distant touches of Indian in me. That's quite an interesting point - you will be more likely to take on Asian roles because that's the demographic here.
I think you have a responsibility to represent the storyline in the best way that you can. Because you're almost representing someone else who's been through that. The letters I received from people who'd been through it themselves... that definitely gave it a lot more importance.
In the past you dated Sarah Barrand, who played Shannon in Footballers'Wives. Is it easier to go out with someone who is also in the public eye?
It depends. It's different from person to person because different people have different personalities.
Are you seeing anybody now?
Sort of... But I can't say who. It's pretty early days but it is going well.
Do you get any strange fanmail?
You do get strange fanmail sometimes. I've been trying to plough through a lot of mail recently because I didn't get the chance while I was still filming. I try to respond to them all - especially if they're quite personal letters. Anything where you think that they've taken quite a lot of care and attention to write it.
How do you stay looking good?
I'm quite a sporty person so that helps. And I go to the gym a lot.
What do your family think of your success?
They're very proud of me and they're behind me 100 per cent. But they know it's a very tough business. They're pleased for me when things are going right - and there for me when things aren't going well. None of them are in the industry.
So what made you want to act?
Moving around a lot as a kid, I had to adapt to different cultures. So it was an easy thing for me to do.
Have you got lots of spare time now you've finished filming?
No, I've been really busy prepping something that I'm shooting soon, plus I'm recording stuff and I took a little while off. I'm moving, too.
Can you tell us about that new project?
It's a pilot - it's called Apparitions and I'm a guest star on it. It's quite dark, about exorcism and demons.
Who will you miss most?
I couldn't say one person. I think they're all great. Most of them I had a great relationship with. That happens when you're on location. I'll miss a hell of a lot of them.
Have you got any gigs lined up yet?
I haven't got that lined up yet. It's quite a saturated market. But trust me they're coming!
So, we have now learned that Elyes hasn't got any gigs lined up yet, isn't going to become a poet (shoot, I was so hoping for that to happen...), he had a (sort of) girlfriend at the time (that doesn't mean now, though, remember: this article is from the 16th of September) and his family is proud of him. Oh, and he tries to answer to every fanmail thing he gets.
So who's up for another EGB fanmail project?
Hope you enjoyed the article, it was good being able to post something for you again. Also, I hope you all had a very merry christmas, and all the best for the new year!