Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Day before the Day after Today's the day before the day after today. And as you can see, the blog has got a whole new look, again! I'll probably change the lay-out again, beca
use, well, this one hasn't got a linkbar, comment section or archive section. I'm just looking into some new layouts. I really love this one though, even though it hasn't got everything. It's just so..pretty.

On to the Elyesness:
Not much going on. Although we are pretty sure his myspace really is his myspace.
You can go there by clicking here -

Read about our research on the EGB:

Also, if you want to comment, leave a post at the EGB, seeing as how there isn't a comment-option on this layout...

Make sure you're on the EGB tomorrow, as there will be lots of partying and fun! Also, some surprises and new stuff.

And don't forget to tune in tonight at 8.35 on BBC 1, for some Guppy action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, pretty blog! I'm leaving a comment so that your blog doesn't feel completely unloved ^_^ The title really made me think, I didn't get it at first...

Bring on the Cas tonight!!