Josh was taken aback when Dixie gave him a stiff talking to for bossing her about on his first day back. Elsewhere, Tess rushed off to tell Sam that she'd made it through to a dance competition with Abs. Unable to find Sam, Tess quizzed the others and quickly sussed that he hadn't showed up for work. Overcome with guilt, Alice confessed she'd told Sam that Tess and Abs were seeing each other. Elsewhere, Nathan put pressure on Selena to have an abortion. But later that day, he managed to bond with a pair of unruly kids who shared his passion for sci-fi. Delighted with his new found parenting skills, Nathan urged Selena to keep the baby. After searching Sam's room, Greg and Alice discovered that he'd left without his medication. Frantic with worry, Tess broke down in tears and headed off to look for Sam. Charlie, Abs, Kelsey, Alice and Greg all volunteered to help.
From: Bbc.co.uk
Comments by the EGB:
I'm glad Stitch was only in the ep for a little bit, we saw the positive effects that his influence on Guppy's had; he was more confident with which cases he could deal with, by taking a more complex case than he was meant to, and just being more confident in general in actually dealing with patients.
Last night's ep was one of the funniest ones I've seen in a long while! The Doctor Proctor scene was absolute genius! "BS Syndrome"!! And there were quite a few brilliant one-liners too, loved Abs' "Kels, nicotine patch, highly recommended" And even Nathan managed to make me laugh... - Nezza
Scrubness * sigh * - Sapphire
Ok so...
- Doctor Proctor thing was funny! Aww josh.
- Not much Guppy but in scrubs.
- Nathan was sweet.
- Thought at the end when everyone was going to help look for sam was sweet to, but why didnt Guppy? - Guppyfan-no1
My interesting comments because not many other people commented:
Where was Guppy with the Sam-search? Everybody was there, he should have been there. I guess he was studying or whatever, but still.
Nathan doesn't know what he wants. Get rid of the baby, keep the baby! Only because those children actually liked him doesn't mean his child will be the same. He should make up his mind. Why would Selena keep the baby anyway? I mean..it's Nathan's! - June
Overal Rating: 7/10
+ Scrubsness
+ Guppyness
+ Nathan and those children
+ Good old Abs/Kelsey fun
+ High humor factor
+ Stitch being away
- Sam being missing
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