Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Young Controller

That's right. Yet another news update, and this time I'm right on it.

If you're on myspace and are indeed befriended with Elyes, you might've noticed that the great Mr. Gabel himself posted a bulletin to his friends on Thursday. This, to those who didn't see it, is what it said:

From: Elyes Gabel
Date: 04 Dec 2008, 15:27
Subject: Change Again

Hi Guys,
Hope you're all well.
I know it seems like I can't half decide what profile page to remain with;
so just to carry on tradition i've opened up a new one for my music-It's called
the young controller and it's on my top friends list on my profile.
Inevitably there's going to be question; so i'll answer as best i can now.
The reason for the change of name is to try and put a bit of distance between
myself as an actor; and a musician- So that they're looked at in their own
I still value your support though; so in turn want to make you aware of the
Right then, have a listen to another rough demo on the young controller
page and see what you think.
It's different.
And add me!


Isn't that nice? So make sure you head over there by
Clicking Here and:
a) Add him to your friends if you're on Myspace
b) Listen to his new song called 'Why should I'!

And that song; It certainly is different. Tell me what you think in the comments, and I might even add a poll! I'd also love to hear your comments on the new name, do you like it and do you think there is any meaning behind there?


Anonymous said...

I think the name is really interesting :)

Love all the tracks, new or old. :)

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